RHM-1040 DXpander Motorized Antena 10 to 40m (6.9 to 30MHz)
Just launched at Orlando Hamcation 2025 this weekend! Feb 7-9th
Hamcation special pre-order discount for limited time!
From $1,099.00 to $950.00 (pay $475.00 for pre-order)
Free shipping for the 48 continental states
Approximately 60 to 90 days waitlist
Expand your DX contacts with this amazing HF Antenna.
Operates from 6.9 to 30MHz (40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12 and 10m) up to 300 Watts.
Increases or decreases its size according to the operating frequency.
Is remotely controled (up to 60 ft) and give you the best SWR in each frequency.